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Can a Vehicle Registration Fee be a Tax Deduction? Can a Vehicle Registration Fee be a Tax Deduction?

Different states calculate vehicle registration fees in different ways. Some states will base your fee on how much your car weighs, while others charge a flat rate for all vehicles. And there are several states that take the value of your car into consideration to determine how much you will pay to register the vehicle. Flat fees and weight-based fees are not tax deductible, but if the amount that you pay is based on a Kelley Blue Book value, this fee may be a valid deduction on your federal tax return.

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Buying a Car After a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Buying a Car After a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

When you are discharged from a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you are essentially starting with a clean slate, aside from the fact that you will have a black mark on your credit report from the filing for up to 10 years, potentially making it hard to find a lender who will approve you. However, if you did have previous auto loans that were in good standing or have paid off a vehicle since you filed your Chapter 7, you will have better chances getting approved by a lender. You just need to make sure you are working with a car dealership that has a financing team that knows how to work with unique financial situations.

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